House and Land ສຳລັບ Rent ໃນ ປາກເຊ ຈໍາປາສັກ ID 76697
ລາຄາຂາຍ -
ລາຄາເຊົ່າ LAK 5,524,917

House and large land for rent in Pakse (Km3)

ປາກເຊ, ຈໍາປາສັກ
20 May 2023
Lovely place for rent in Pakse (Km3). The place was a family home but we have now moved abroad for the next couple of years. The place has a large piece of land and is fully fenced around. It is also in a scenic spot with a view of the mountains.

We are looking for someone responsible to move in. Preferably an international worker or a small family.

Rent is $250 USD per month and requested to be paid in advance 6 months at a time, with a 3 month deposit.