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Car reviews

Mar. 26, 2022, 11:08 pm.

history of MG since 1920

1920 1924 MG MORRIS GARAGES IS FOUNDEDCecil Kimber joined Morris Cars in 1921 and became General Manager of Morris in 1922. He began pro...
Feb. 21, 2022, 02:30 pm.

MG Lao's Best New Model for 2022 - The MG GT

THE NEW MG5 GT AVAILABLE IN LAOS The new MG 5 GT car is a 4-door coupe that comes with a racing feel typical of MG DNA. The MG 5 GT is a wa...
Apr. 1, 2021, 04:02 pm.

10 Must-Have Practical Car Accessories You'll Need

When you own a car, you may want to make the interior clean and comfortable, as well as keep you safe from unforeseen situations. Car accessories are...
Mar. 10, 2021, 04:42 pm.

4 Tips to Checking the Car's Tires for Safe Driving

Car tires have to carry heavy duties in which it has to bear the weight of the car that presses, runs, turns, and brakes through a variety of roads In...
Mar. 5, 2021, 10:30 am.

5 Reasons to Drive a Hybrid Car

The word “Eco-Friendly” is a current trend for everybody who wants to live a sustainable life. The innovation of cars is evolving into a m...
Mar. 1, 2021, 09:25 am.

8 Points to Check in the Car Before Driving

It's inevitable that you have to maintain your car to see if is normally functional for the sake of your safety when driving. Checking up parts of the...
Feb. 12, 2021, 04:25 pm.

Where can you get your car fixed in Vientiane? Introducing 5 Auto Repair shops in Vientiane

Maintaining is essential for a long-lasting usage of the car, here in Vientiane, Laos there are plenty of auto repair shops you can find on the side o...
Feb. 12, 2021, 04:21 pm.

Buy VS Rent in Laos: Cars

When you are moving to Laos, the usual way to travel around the city is by Tuk-Tuk, Buses or Taxis. If you are expected to stay longer, you might want...
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